(from Forbes):
By Thomas K. Lindsay
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” So wrote George Orwell, author of the dystopian classic, 1984. According to a recent study issued by the National Association of Scholars (NAS), the College Board is well on its way to obliterating Americans’ understanding of their history.
Authored by David Randall, an historian of early modern Europe, the NAS study, The Disappearing Continent, exposes the College Board’s new Advanced Placement European History course (APEH) for what it is—ideology masquerading as historical scholarship, which “warps and guts” European history, transforming it into a “neo-Marxist generic narrative.” Randall adds that the College Board’s “progressive distortion of European history powerfully resembles the bias in its 2014 Advanced Placement United States History examination (APUSH).” Like APUSH, APEH serves the College Board’s “long march to impose leftist history on the half a million American high school students each year who prepare themselves for college by taking APUSH or APEH.”
What does this “leftist history” look like? Consider what the APEH course teaches—and doesn’t teach. To begin, nowhere is there so much as a mention of Christopher Columbus or Winston Churchill. Nor is there a discussion of Britain’s “distinctive history in the European tradition as the champion of liberty.” In fact, liberty itself is not a salient theme. “APEH presents the history of government rather than of liberty,” writes Randall. CONTINUE READING HERE